Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Pure Bride

I know, long time, no post! The Lord has truly been stirring things in my heart that are hard to take in all in one day. Finally, as I am spending my quiet time with Him, I get the inkling of a blog post... Which brings me here! So hi!

Normally, when one hears the word "pure," their minds ponder on something without flaw, white, clean, or no wrinkles whatsoever! I certainly know that I, Savanna Brown, sin on a daily basis, along with every single other human being on this earth. How is God going to come back for a pure bride if we all fall short of the glory of God and we can't be completely without flaw or wrinkle until we are raptured? What makes us pure or righteous enough to even get us to heaven to remain in true righteousness?

One thing to consider in this is that Christ's dying on the cross for our sins make the bride (his church) pure. We are clean in the name of Jesus. Forgiveness and purity have a name, and that name is our Lord and Savior, our Yahweh. When we put our faith in Christ and his atonement, we are pure. God sees us as he sees Christ when we are wrapped up in Him. Simply, all we have to do to stay pure is to stay in Christ and not stray. He is our righteousness, forever and ever.

I know, a lot of y'all got a sigh of relief at that last sentence, but purity can go way beyond. Yes, we are pure when we are covered by the blood of the Lamb, but are we pure in OUR minds, OUR eyes, and OUR everyday lives? Do we succumb to the dirty music, the filthy websites, the vile words, etc.? We are called to live pure lives, and set examples. We are called to be lights that shine into the darkness of the secular world. We are called to cleanse our bodies, in order to provide Christ a temple in us. I challenge everyone, including myself, to fast for a month (April 25, 2012- May 25, 2012) from any secular music, books, television programs, and whatever else may cause our hearts and minds to stumble. Let's define purity in our lives. I can't wait!

I hope you find encouragement in Psalm 119:9-16.